You are invited to my show

I’m happy to announce that my solo show, entitled “Skies She Didn’t See” opens on April 25 in El Paso, TX at La Mecha Contemporary and runs through May 25th. The exhibition centers on the persecution of the followers of the Baha’i Faith in Iran, the country of its birth. It considers what it means […]

Skies She Didn’t See

watercolor painting of sky

Today, June 18th, marks the fortieth anniversary of the execution of ten Baha’i women in Shiraz, Iran, because they would not recant their faith. The youngest, Mona, was only 17. The eldest was 56 and the mother of Roya who was also killed.  One wanted to become a veterinarian. Mona taught children. They were all […]

Painting classes and skies that aren’t blue

“Skies aren’t yellow!” Everyone held their breath. Then, of course, the instructor immediately realized his misstatement. During a painting workshop critique in Costa Rica, one of the students had painted yellow in his sky. But skies are sometimes yellow or have lots of orange and red in them in the late afternoon. Sometimes they are […]