
Graptopetalum by Jean Reece Wilkey, oil on panel, 4 x 4 in. | SOLD This succulent has such wonderful silvery greens, blues and violets and the name is fun to say as well! The common name is Ghost Plant and it looks ghostly silver in certain light.


Cactus, oil on panel, 4 x 4 inches | SOLD I love quirky things and I immediately loved this cactus when I saw it at our local greenhouse. I’ve had it for months and it’s still alive! I’m not sure what kind it is but it looks like it could be from some other planet. […]

Two pomegranate slices

Two pomegranate slices, oil on panel, 4 x 4 inches Two juicy pomegranate slices. Pomegranates are a favorite to paint, because of the luscious rich reds and liquid highlights and for the symbolism from classical Greek mythology with Persephone’s mother mourning her absence after she eats a few pomegranate seeds. After a fallow winter she rejoices […]

Pomegranate on vintage china saucer

Pomegranate on vintage china saucer, oil on panel, 4 x4 inches | Sold This pomegranate rests on my great grandmother’s vintage china saucer in a sort of classic pose. I’ve always loved the blue and white design. I was interested in the combination of reds and the reflections on the fruit as well as the […]

Fall leaves

Fall leaves

Autumn is generally wonderful weather here and for the past couple of months it has been so nice that I’ve had a really bad case of spring fever! The leaves just started to turn about ten days ago and now we’ve just had the first freeze. When the vegetation is mostly of the desert variety, colorful […]

Pomegranate on Blue Willow

I called this blog Painting Habit since I try to paint in the studio every day. Often I’m working on large pieces but these small ones can be finished more quickly so it’s easier to do one each day as I was doing leading up to the Praxis Collective show, Indra’s Net. I promised to post the […]


I’m interested in how people in the Western world relate to nature and how many of us are distanced from it in our everyday life; insulated from it by a built environment. We try to control it in various ways, such as in the structure we impose on it to create formal gardens – corsetting […]