
A group of different orchid flowers clustered closely together in intimate communion with each other. All from the Phalaenopsis family but each with its own personality. They must be one of the easier types to grow since they have become the most commercialized in the States.

Mary and Joseph installation

I haven’t posted in a while because I’ve been busy with the beginning of school (and subbing for someone), as well as putting up my installation, Mary and Joseph. The show just opened at Williams Gallery and is up until 23 February. You can see images of the entire installation and a description of the […]

Praxis members in Panorama magazine

The Panorama magazine published Gabriella D. Ferrari’s article, “Alumni, artists form Praxis Collective.” We were interviewed at the time of the collective art installation Indra’s Net at the Las Cruces Museum of Art, but the Fall issue was just released recently. Rob Yee spent a couple of hours taking photos. It’s certainly not easy to photograph this […]


Cherish is a talented student, fairly quiet and a hard worker. She did some interesting work for the class. This is the first time I’ve attempted a tatoo. I may try another one. Cherish, oil on panel, 6×6 in