Chrome daffy

  This chrome duck bank is a treasure I found at an estate sale several years ago. I passed by it several times knowing I didn’t need it but wanting it all the same. I couldn’t wait to paint it. I’ve painted it several times now and I never get tired of it. In this […]

Sky over desert

We are in the midst of our monsoon season. Before moving to the desert I never knew there was such a thing. We get rains at the end of the summer and that means our normally blue cloudless skies are filled with wonderful clouds every day. I can’t get enough of them. The skies are […]

Succulent in orange pot

I’m bad at names. I find it hard to remember them and it’s no different with plants than with people. I think this is a silver dollar jade but I’m sure one of you will be able to tell me. Of course I’ll probably forget again! Contact artist for purchase.